The Internet Pays…

“INTERNET DELIVERS… To the surprise of many, the Internet is delivering on many of its supposedly discredited promises, BusinessWeek reported. The Internet is connecting far-flung people and businesses more tightly than ever. The value of networked business-to-business transactions now stands at $2.4 trillion, according to Forrester Research Inc. The Internet is helping companies slash costs, speeding the pace of innovation and jacking up productivity. The value of businesses using the Net to sharpen forecasting, keep inventories lean, and communicate instantaneously with suppliers could reach $450 billion a year by 2005. Spread across the economy in lower prices, that would add $4,500 annually to the average U.S. household’s income — more than three times the amount of President George W. Bush’s 2001 tax cut, according to BusinessWeek.”

Source: United Press International